GFR and Albuminuria Categories for CKD prognosis

Image from the KDIGO 2012 guidelines.

Chronic Kidney Disease CKD is defined as abnormalities of kidney structure or function for > 3 months

*CKD is classified based on:*

  • The cause of the CKD
  • GFR category
  • Albuminuria category

GFR < 60 is associated with higher risk of:

  • Drug toxicity
  • metabolic and endocrine complications
  • CVD and death

Albuminuria is the presence of albumin in the urine which is a sign of kidney damage/disease.

There are three categories of albuminuria A1-A3, A3 means there is a severe degree of albuminuria.

It is possible to have a normal GFR but high degree of albuminuria which indicates increased risk of adverse outcomes and requirement for more monitoring.

Severe albuminuria is high risk factor for CKD and CVD.

The colours indicate patient prognosis and risk of adverse outcomes. Red means very poor prognosis, green means good prognosis.

Controlling high BP is an important way of reducing CKD progression.

ARB or ACEi are recommended in diabetics with CKD and albuminuria because they are renoprotective.

Recommend you read the KDIGO guidelines for more information on CKD management.

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